After Storm Sunset at Point Pelee / by Ted Kaiser

I had never been to Point Pelee National Park before, but had my chance at the beginning of our family vacation this summer. We were lucky that a relative had recently purchased a vacation property in the area, so we were able to schedule the outing into our itinerary very conveniently. (Parks Canada recently announced some investment to improve infrastructure at the Park, so it should be easier and better to visit than ever.)

For most of the day, access to The Tip of the point in the national park is by shuttle bus. However, at the end of the day, before the park closes but after the shuttle bus schedule finishes, visitors can drive directly to the small parking lot (space for only about 20 cars). This gives only a short time on the tip, but has the advantage of a shorter hike with photo gear and timing at sunset. The first part of the hike was through an area of trees and underbrush, but shortly the path emerges onto the sandy point.

Seeing this long curving sand spit stretching out for several hundred metres for the first time was quite inspiring. There are large rocks and a few large pieces of washed up driftwood, so right away I became excited at the possibilities for great shots. It was overcast, but some clearing in the west, so I was hoping for the best as sunset approached. Finally, thanks to colourful skies, I think some solid views were experienced, but I’ll let the images speak for themselves.